How to Take Free Relief from GUR (Ground Under Repair)
GUR areas
A ball cannot be played from a GUR area if GUR areas are deemed to be NO PLAY ZONES in the local rules of a course.
Under LOCAL RULE 4 on the back of both the Cathedral and Tower Course cards GUR areas are deemed to be NO PLAY ZONES.
A NO PLAY ZONE is deemed as part of an abnormal course condition(Rule 16.1f) or a penalty area where play is not allowed.
Player's ball is in the GUR in the general area of the course, so free relief must be taken.
It is not simply one club length from the edge of the GUR area.
Player faces the way she is playing.
Player takes the club she thinks she will use once the ball is dropped.
Player finds her nearest point of complete relief, (her club head in this picture or where her ball would lie if taking the shot), no nearer the hole.
The area to drop on is measured one club out from the ball and on club back with the two furthest points from the ball linked to form a sector to drop the ball in.
It is not a matter of finding the best place to drop! 18th Fairway GUR at the moment finding your nearest point of relief may in fact take you into the area close to the trees on the right hand side of the fairway.
It is always best to agree your nearest point of relief with your playing partners before moving your ball.
Player then drops the ball in the sector
The player uses the longest club(not her putter) in her bag to measure the one club length from her nearest point of relief.
As it is not necessary to physically get your longest club out and measure the distance, it is best practice to mark your nearest point of relief.
This is so if her playing partner challenges the distance she has dropped the ball, as being more then one club length, then both players know where the one club length was being measured from.
In this photo the player has used a tee peg to mark her nearest point of relief, although it is very difficult to see.