Moving Posts

Which Posts can be moved on the Course

Can you remove a White Out of Bounds Posts? NO

Out of Bounds posts mark the boundaries of the course and objects marking course boundaries may not be moved. If you do move one of these objects before you play and doing so makes your next stroke easier in any way, you must put it back before you make a stroke. If you don’t, you will lose the hole in match play or get two penalty strokes in stroke play (see Rule 8.1a and Rule 8.1c).




 A penalty area stake is a movable obstruction and you may move them if you want (see Rule 15.2a). However, while rare, some penalty area stakes cannot be moved (for example, when the course has set the stake into a concrete base).


Can you move 150yd posts


At Chichester Under the Local Rules on the back of your scorecard, 150yd posts are deemed to be Immovable Obstructions so under NO circumstances may you move the post even if it is loose.

Breech of Rule: General Penalty : Loss of Hole in Matchplay or two shot penalty in strokeplay.

This has been confirmed by two EG referees.

However, if the 150yd post interferes with at least one of the following: your stance, the lie of your ball or your swing you may then determine the nearest point of relief and drop within one club-length, no closer to the hole.

If the immovable obstruction is in your line, but does not affect your stance, lie or swing, then you are not entitled to free relief. (Rule 16)