The calendar appears in different colours according to the course or type of competition i.e friendly match or county competition.
Green = Cathedral Competitions
Red = Tower Competitions
Blue = County Competitions
Topaz yellow = Friendly Matches
Light Turquoise = Mixed Ladies/Vets Matches
Bright Lavender = Club Competitions
Persian Pink = Away Day/Bank Holidays
Non Inter Club County Competitions can be found at More/County Competitions
Below is some information to help you when accessing the calendar.
updated 3/03/23
Q.Stableford or Q.Medal means Qualifying Stableford / Qualifying Medal
A Qualifying Competition means that the score will count
towards your Handicap Index calculation .
A particular Q.Stableford or Q.Medal is referred to as a "qualifier"
No TEAM Competition can be a qualifying competition
All Knockouts are match play and therefore CANNOT be qualifying competitions
All Singles Cups are Stableford Competitions with the exception of the Diana Farley, which is a Medal Competition.
All Singles Cups are Qualifying Competitions with the exception of:
www Dot Part 1 - 5 clubs and a putter
Autumn Irons - irons only
A Fun Competition CANNOT be a qualifying competition
The Daily Mail Foursomes Qualifying Competition is a Medal.
The Coronation Foursomes Qualifying Competition is a Stableford.
The Ping 4BBB Qualifying Competition is a Stableford.
These three competitions are club qualifying for National Competitions and are not qualifying competitions for Handicap Purposes
Handicap Index for Competitions
Click here for Minimum/Maximum Handicap Index for Competitions
If you click on a competition it will give you further details of the competition/match.
Important Dates 2024/5
Sunday Club Competitions