Rules Questions
Posted May 2024
In this situation the make of ball cannot be identified as well as the player's identification marks on ball cannot be seen.
If the ball concerned might be the player's ball they may:
Lift the ball to identify it (including rotating it) BUT:
Rule 7.3
The spot of the ball must first be
marked, and the ball must not be cleaned more than needed to identify it ( except on the putting green)
If the player lifts their ball under this Rule when not reasonably necessary to identify it (except on the putting green where the player may lift under Rule 13.1b),
fails to mark the spot before lifting it or
cleans it when not allowed
Posted March 2024
In a knockout (matchplay) competition, one player’s ball is on the green but the other player’s ball is nearer the hole, but off the green. Which player should go first?
The order of play whilst playing a hole is based on which ball is furthest from the hole. Rule 6.4
So, in this case it is the player furthest from the hole, who goes first even though the other player’s ball is off the green.
If a player plays out of turn, the opponent may cancel that stroke and make the player play again.
However, if the above situation was in a stableford or medal competition, there is no penalty for playing out of turn, and players are both allowed to play “ready golf” – that is to play out of turn in a safe and responsible way.
Posted November 2023
Watch this video re Winter Rules (preferred Lies)
Posted November 2022
Q: Do you have to mark your ball before taking relief for preferred lies - Winter Rules
A: No, however it is recommended that you should mark the ball as the spot where the ball was, is the reference point for measuring the relief area. If the ball is not marked how can you be sure you've taken relief in the correct six inch area. Marking the ball also avoids a dispute with your playing partner that you have placed the ball within the correct relief area.
Rule 14.1a "When a bill is lifted to take relief under a Rule, the player is not required to mark the spot before lifing the ball"
However, the ball must be marked if the Rule requires it to be replaced on its original spot -Rule 14.1
Preferred lies can only be taken when the player's ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less and this includes paths cut through the rough and the fringe/apron of the green.
Preferred lies cannot be taken in the rough or on the putting greens.
When placing the ball in the relief area the ball must not be closer to the hole than the reference point
Posted November 2022
Below are three photos of the state of various bunkers on the course recently.
Q: Does one get any relief from such conditions?
A: Yes - free relief as they are Ground Under Repair as they have obviously been made by the greenkeepers
Definition of Ground under Repair (see definitions in rules book) " A hole made by maintenance staff is ground under repair even when not marked as ground under repair"
Please refer to Definition of Ground under Repair for further information on Ground Under repair
Posted November 2022
Q: Can you take relief for a ball embedded in its own pitch mark in the rough.
Explanation: The rough is part of the general area of the course.
Rule 2.2 The general area covers the entire course except for the four specific areas of the course.
The general area includes every type of ground and growing or attached objects found in that area such as fairway, rough and trees
Rule 16.3 Embedded Ball
Free relief is allowed but the ball must be in the General Area.
Take a look at Rule 2.2 to find out what the other four areas of the course are and Rule 16.3 to get more information on when a ball is embedded or not
Posted August 2022
What is the Reference Point?
It is the point from which the size of the Relief Area is measured.
Posted August 2022
May a player share a club with another player?
In Foursomes and 4BBB they may share clubs provided they have no more than 14 clubs between them. Foursomes: Rule 22.5 4Ball Rule 23.7
In Singles Players may NOT share clubs. Rule 4.1b(2). Sharing Clubs is not Allowed for strokes that count in a Player's Score.
Posted July 2022
When dropping a ball in a relief area, after retrieving their ball from the penalty area, can the player drop a different ball to the one they retrieved from the penalty area.
Rule 14.3 Dropping Ball in Relief Area
Rule 14.3a Original Ball or Another Ball may be used.
The player may use the original ball or another ball.
This means that the player may use any ball each time he or she drops or places a ball under this rule
See Rule 14.3 for further information
Posted July 2022
Two players balls are very close on the fairway. The player who is to play first, asks the other player to mark her ball and lift it. When she replaces her ball can the player replace it with another ball.
Rule 14.2 Replacing Ball on Spot
Rule 14.2a Original Ball Must be used when replacing a ball
Exception - Another ball May Be Used When:
^ The original ball is cut or cracked (see Rule4.2c)
^ Play resumes after it had been stopped (see Rule 5.7d)
See Rule 14.2 for further information.
Posted 21st February 2022
What is a loose impediment?
Posted 30th January 2022
(This happened in the Q.Stableford on Tuesday Jan 27th
My ball is clearly visible on the fringe at the back of a green. My playing partners and myself then observe a bird swooping down and picking up my ball. Do I receive any penalty and from where should I play my next shot?
Under Rules 9.6 covering a Ball Lifted or Moved by an Outside Influence there is no penalty
The ball is replaced on the original spot, which if not known must be estimated (see Rule 14.2)
This applies whether or not the player’s ball has been found
However, if it not known or virtually certain that the ball was lifted or moved by an outside influence and the ball is lost, the player must take stroke and distance (Rule 18.2).
If the player has taken two shots to the point that the ball was lost, but it was not known or virtually certain that the ball ",oved or lifted by an outside Influence", she must go back to where she played the second shot, play another ball from that point and adding on one penalty shot, this having played four shots, so far.
Posted January 17th 2022
Do I have to initial changes on a scorecard?
Rule 3.3b (2) states a player must carefully check the hole scores entered on the scorecard and must make sure both they and the marker certify those scores.
It also says a player “must not change a hole score entered by the marker except with the marker’s agreement or the committee’s approval”.
So, if the marker changes a score does he/she need to initial the new score?
An interpretation to Rule 3.3b (2) reveals no extra certification is required when changes to hole scores are made on a scorecard.
When a change has been approved, “neither the player nor the marker is required to initial or make any extra certification of the changed score”.
It adds: “The player’s certification applies to all hole scores, including those that were changed.”
Posted December 2021
When taking free or penalty relief does the relief area have to be physically marked using a club?
No. The player estimates the one or two club length from the reference point. A club length is the length of the longest club (not their putter) they have in their bag. It is good practice to mark the reference point with a tee marker, so if your opponents query where you have dropped then you both know where the one or two club lengths has been measured.
Posted November 2021
When dropping a ball in a relief area, after retrieving their ball from the penalty area, can the player drop a different ball to the one they retrieved from the penalty area.
Rule 14.3 Dropping Ball in Relief Area
Rule 14.3a Original Ball or Another Ball may be used.
The player may use the original ball or another ball.
This means that the player may use any ball each time he or she drops or places a ball under this rule
See Rule 14.3 for further information