Booking in on a Mobile Device

Photos featured here were taken from an ipad, so they may look slightly different to the layout on a mobile phone

First download the How Did i Do App to your phone or ipad

Go to HDID app on your mobile device ( phone or tablet)

Click on Booking

Booking page comes up, showing calendar and below this Upcoming bookings. Upcoming bookings is any booking you have already made in the future.

Scroll down to the next section headed Bookable competitions.

Competition Information  available here tells you when the competition is bookable from and when booking closes. 

It also tells you if the competition is "acceptable for handicap".

NB Booking for Saturday competitions closes on the Sunday six days before the competition.

Booking for Tuesday competitions closes on the Sunday two weeks before the Tuesday.

Once booking has closed to see if you can play in the competition contact Saturdays - Saturday Organiser, Tuesdays - Competition Contact - usually the Competiiton Secretary

Then click on the competition you wish to book for by clicking on Open Start Sheet

Page shows:

the total numbers of tees available for the competition

Number of tees unavailable i.e already booked

Remaining number of tees available

Click on "View Players"

Click on Book to book in for the competition

Click on confirm

Page comes up showing booking has been completed.

It shows the date, type of competition, tee times & whether acceptable for handicap

If you go back to where it shows the Upcoming Bookings you will see the competition you have just booked in for appears there.

If you wish to take you name off the booking go to the competition concerned and click on Open Startsheet

Click on Cancel Booking

The message ask it you wish to remove yourself from the zone. Press Remove to confirm

You will know you have been removed from the competition because the number of unavailable tees has gone down to 2.

It also gives you the option to book for the competition.